Thursday, 20 December 2007

Head Modelling

Started the modelling of the head. I'm using a base head model which i use for many character, i just reshape it to fit different characters.

Sunday, 16 December 2007

80% finished

Almost completed the monster, but i'm not happy with the out come so far. The monster looks more like a cuddly toy than a scary creature. looks abit like Barney, i might have to reconsider the character. It's head is slightly ro large it might be a problem when attempting to animate.

Saturday, 15 December 2007

Thursday, 13 December 2007

Monster Model

Early stages of my model.

Thursday, 6 December 2007

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Term 1 WK 3. Some research pics

This alleyway is the sort of look we want to achieve in the film.

I found some of these pictures on the net, the alleyway will look more like an american alleyway. The exterior enviroment will look like london.

Saturday, 20 October 2007

week two

Reviewed the story line, Spoke to tutor. He said we need to create a better openinig scene. Show the reason why the main character needs to use the toilet as it's not clear enough.

The group still never turned up only luke and I have been in all week. we have been doing prelimary research, looking at graffiti styles and alleyways on the internet.

Thursday, 11 October 2007

First week. Disjointed

The first week has not been very productive. It's only been Luke and I that have had the opportunity to make decisions this week. Hope to see great improvement on the attendance of the other members of the group in the following weeks.

We decided to go with 3d instead of live action. We chose not to try live action because none of us has any experience in mixing live action and 3d. I dont belive we would have enough time to complete a live action piece to a level I would be happy with.

Monday, 8 October 2007

Caught Short

The scene starts in a busy high street.Steven is in a rush, he is in search of a toilet but there’s none in sight. If he doesn’t find a place to ease himself, he is in danger of wetting himself in public. Steven bursts past people walking on the curb.Steven knocks into a pedestrian just as they were about to bite into a sandwich, knocking it out their hands.

He spots an alleyway and he runs into it. He is about to let loose on the wall when he is suddenly interrupted by an old lady walking by who notices what he is about to do.Knowing he has been spotted he acts like he is just taking in the scenery. The old lady shakes her head in disbelieve and carries on her way. Steven decides to go deeper into the alley where he would not be spotted. He finds the perfect place and lets loose. Overcome by relief he notices he is weeding on piece of graffiti artwork and decides to make pretty patterns on it.With his bladder now empty he begins to make his way out when suddenly he is hit on the head with an empty bear can. Steven looks up to see where it could have possibly come from.

He turns around and to his shock he seas the very same art on the wall had come to life.The monster begins to chase him down the alleyway. Steven runs in fear not knowing whether he was imagining what he just saw, but he wasn’t going to stick around to find out. The monster jumps in front of him blocking Steven’s exit. Steven is beaten and thrown about. The monster then administrates its own revenge and wee’s on Steven.Steven is thrown out of the alleyway, where he makes a quick getaway.The scene end with someone else is needing to use the toilet. The person then runs into the same alleyway.The End